Tariq Ramadan’s talk – TEDx Salford


12 Commentaires

  1. MashaAllah, you have put together some of the essential core values every human being should work towards. I am impressed with your courage to speak out about Islam and Muslim values in such a open way, front of a crowd consists of highly critical western opinions about Islam and Muslims. In doing so, you have hopefully educated people towards looking deeper into ethics, being mindful and taking time in thinking about the purpose of our existence and the road to happiness, soul satisfaction and eternal bliss, inshaAllah, aameen!!! JazackAllahu Khairan.

  2. MashALLAH Dr.Tarek Ramadan, in approx 20 min u did summarize what big religious figures couldn’t. MASHALLAH you just reminded me about this ” رجل ذو همة، يحيى أمة” I truly wish you all the success in your life journey. May ALLAH keep enlightening you with such faithful and truthful spirit. Jazaka ALLAH mina kulla el kheir. جزاك الله منا كل الخير.

  3. Respectable Tariq Ramadan,
    Eloquent, knowledgeable, and always liberating us through his experience, clean intentions and actions. Always consciously speaking and observant in his learning. thank you for your services to the humanity.

    Best Regards,

  4. Salam alikoum professeur Ramadan. Je vous ai adressé un message mail qui s’intitule “le pardon d’Allah”. J’ai vraiment besoin de votre avis la dessus. Jazaka allah khir.

  5. This was indeed a great and brief speech,I couldn’t agree more. I believe discipline is the key to success lets not forget the definition of discipline :state of order based on submission to rules and authority:. The moment I am able to wake up every morning @5am to read/pray I am cultivating discipline which results to knowledge and finally freedom,this is where it all starts. Sincerely I lack discipline from now on I am going to try and work on accomplishing self discipline and self denial..Thank you Mr Tariq Ramadan

  6. Thank you once again.
    I just pray your words can be heard all across the world, and can penetrate the hearts of those unable or unwilling to listen.
    May Allah bless you.


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