The Rotterdam Case


It is one year ago that the City of Rotterdam decided to terminate my contract and collaboration under the pretext that I worked for the Iranian T.V. channel Press T.V.
This decision was taken within a span of two working days while I was on vacation, without even contacting me.  This decision and the way it was handled created an outcry of criticism in Netherlands itself.  
I had taken legal action against the municipality requesting them to respect the terms of my contract as well as to apologize for the crude way I had been treated. 
And now, the Rotterdam Tribunal has just announced its shocking judgment  by rejecting my lawsuit.  This, without even acknowledging the arguments that I had put forward: no comment on the arbitrary manner in which I was let go during a vacation period; no comment on the bridge building work which was being undertaken on my show Press T.V.; no comment on my criticism of the Iranian regime; no comment on the political climate in Netherlands and the political interference that the extreme right populist movement and party exercised on the municipality, pushing the latter to take an urgent decision without a thought for due process.
On the contrary,  it appears that I should have been aware of this tense climate and reacted by succumbing to the decision, even before trying to dialogue …while I was on holidays, 9,000 kms from Rotterdam. It makes no sense.
A surprising decision, in any case, and unacceptable.  I will be filing an appeal of this judgment that has succumbed to a very unhealthy political climate, justifying a political decision taken in a state of  urgency without the minimum of respect owed to individuals. Especially when it concerns a Muslim, apparently.  
I am filing an appeal because I will not accept this decision so easily . It avoids the substance of the matter and actually legitimizes a political decision taken and influenced by a social climate that has overtaken this country through a disturbing populist movement. 
It will cost what it will cost  but there is no question of accepting this type of treatment whether it be in a country of Geert Wilders, the populist Islamophobe (who by the way has tripled the number of parliamentarians for his movement in the last election), of Leefbar from the extreme right,  or any others.  
I am saddened,  but it does not take away my will to defend the cause of respect and justice. We will go onto an appeal, in shâ Allah, because there are certain principles that one just has to stand up for.


16 Commentaires

  1. How can a man who is an extreme right reli-fascist, a follower of one of the most inhumane and hostile religions on this planet, call himself a bridge builder?

    So, for everyone who is going to read this.
    Mr. Ramadan is playing a sick game in witch he is trying to bring the unhealthy attention of the muslims to, in this case, the Netherlands. Because, once again, everyone knows perfectly well that you can’t be a bridge builder when you look down on certain people, in this case, the so-called non-muslims.

    And for those who are not familiar with the current political situation in the Netherlands. De Leefbaar Rotterdam/Nederland Party(s) are not far right, the Dutch people are not racist and/or anti-muslim but just tired of being insulted, exploited, lied to, and being attacked by bone-heads who believe the shallow unfounded lies of people like Mr. Ramadan. And even if you see our sometimes somewhat creepy mister Wilders and his (protest) Freedom Party, realise that he is just childs play in comparison with the shady ideology where our Salafist frontline fighter here got his believes from.

    And to you personally, Mr. Ramadan. Do you really think that we are not aware of your real intentions? We are already on to you. So, if you want money, try to get it in a legal way and accept the court’s decision. But don’t ever again spread lies about us.

    Really, don’t.

    Peace, it’s about time after over 5.000 years of civilisation. May the peaceful nature of the Flying Spaghetti Monster be with you.

    • Before calling Tariq Ramadan a fascist you really have to define facism to me. You are talking about a man who can´t go to several Arabic lands because his continual plead for more democratization. Who talks about democratization even in the religion by not only letting clerics decide but letting them work together with other people.

      Or maybe religion in itself for you is “facist”?

      What is it you don’t like about Tariq Ramadan? Because I don’t think you know much about him if you call him a fascist.

    • Dr Ramadan:

      I seek refuge with Almighty from the deceptions of Satan.

      We have to accept that in this world God almighty has given the right to exist to those even with the most twisted of views. We just have to light a candle for darkness to disappear. Keep on lighting the candles until the darkness disappears or a new dawn of enlightenment approaches.

      Millions are with you for the truth has to triumph.


    • Maybe you haven’t noticed, but the Netherlands is internationally at the centre of the discussion about muslims in Europe, integration and islamophobia (quite an accompishment for such a small country!). I don’t think we need Tariq Ramadan to ‘bring people’s attention’ to this country.

  2. أنا سائح يطلب الحقيقة، وإنسان يبحث عن مدلول الإنسانية بين الناس، ومواطن ينشد لوطنه الكرامة والحرية والاستقرار والحياة الطيبة في ظل الإسلام الحنيف. أنا متجرد أدرك سر وجوده ، فنادى: إن صلا تى و نسكى و محياى و مماتى الله رب العالمين ، لا شريك له ، وبذلك أمرت وأنا من المسلمين.

    هذا أنا فمن أنت؟

    • Peace on you

      For me, I remember some of your comments after this event. I will never forget your strong statements:
      (“I am banned from many countries i.e. Egypt, KSA,…because of my opinions).
      (I am thinking, and looking for the future of this country, and next generations).
      (I have already many offers from Holland; I have no problem with people, only the municipality).
      Anyhow, you did your best. Keep loyal and faithful TO YOUR PURE EDUCATIONAL MISSION. Go ahead at any place. God bless you.

  3. Salam

    Life is tough at times brother, and this decision is clearly unfair, but don’t forget us and have faith.. We do support you and all truly hope they will pay the price of what they did to you, soon or later. May Allah helps you Mr Ramadan in continuing to stand up for justice and equality.. and to be a voice of reason, compassion and understanding in the midst of so much misinformation and mischaracterization..

    Peace out

    • There was NO outcry in The Netherlands over your dismissal!
      The majority of Dutch people agreed with the sacking of you from our university.
      Most people wondered why instead of building bridges you seem to be breaking them.

      There is nothing positive left from your brief stay at our institutions, we are glad you are gone.

      It’s an outrage that you are trying to make money of us by going to court. Pick your loses and learn that you can’t obey two bosses!

  4. Salaam Prof Tariq,

    Strength to you for your cause of establishing fairness in this matter.

    Indeed Allah promises us of truth prevailing and vanquishing falsehood, and also, after every hardship comes ease.

    May all your efforts reap rewards and fairness that will be apparent here in this world, and rewarded well in the Aakhirah too. Ameen.

  5. Ls,
    Please Mr.Ramadan; do not appeal in court! Rotterdam knows it’s citizens needs the money much much more than you do, being one of the poorer city’s in the Netherlands. Your views on right-winged politics in Holland are not correct. I am sorry to see that you are simply not well informed. A bit strange for someone who ‘advised’ the council. But then again; nothing you wrote was ever used, and not without reason.
    Be mature now…and move along everybody, nothing to see here…

    • I don´t think he should let go. Not only because of himself, but because of all the law abiding, hardworking muslimcitizens of Rotterdam and the Netherlands who are seeing the hostile climate towards them increase with the day, and islamophobia being institutionalized more and more. Two of the biggest traditional parties, VVD and CDA, are making plans to work together with Geert Wilders’ PVV (an overtly racist party)…Need I say more?!

  6. Salem ya usted Ramadan,

    I am aswell deeply surpriced, how such a decision?

    I wish you from the bottom of my heard all the strength you will need. Your actions promote also a lot of lessons, indeed strong lessons for those wo know, for those who are for real justice. Yes for yustice, nomather what.

    Ramadan mubarak and a healthy life for you as you family as for all the human beings. Many prayers for you asswell from Morocco on these blessing days, may God accept.

    May God protect you, guide you, help you and always love you.

    Loves, Hakima from the Netherlands


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