«We cannot accept a dogmatic interpretation of Islam»


During the Resetdoc Istanbul Seminars (May 30th – June 4th) Tariq Ramadan reacted positively to Giuliano Amato’s call to support the women demonstrating against the Shia Family Law in Afghanistan. Tariq Ramadan has been emphasising the issue of self-criticism for Muslim scholars and has been himself critical of a literal implementation of Shar’ia


5 Commentaires

  1. It´s really sad when islam just becomes a way of punishing and controling, rather than of indicviduals and societies being commited to bettering themselves. Muslimsocieties must invest in educational programs if they are really serious about keeping up islamic standards.

  2. It was just perfect!
    I only have to say that I admire you since you has been in Portugal at Estoril Conferences, when I saw u and since then I always come here to watch and see your posts.
    Please keep going you are a star (not in the nowadays meaning) who guides my interpretation of this conflict between cultures and help me to understand islam in your tv show as well.

    This post it’s just crucial, talks about a core word “SHARIA”, using key words such as debate, consistence,equilibrium…
    It’s such a error when the west try to export paradigms of development to other civilizations, cultures and countrys.
    We really have to see what we are doing now and our problems inside with immigration, integration, racism, steriotypes, before try to export everything else, including of course development paradigms to others…

    I just hope that you will be a profet!
    If it gonna be true it will be wonderfull just because I have faith that you with your sentences transport the “semente” – grain, of the future, we will have peace, mutual understandig among all the people.

    Thanks again,
    Francisco Sá Teixeira from Portugal (now in Canarias, always watching your web site)
    sorry about my English

    • There will be no prophet after Muhammed. But Tariq Ramadan certainly is a good translator of the message of peace and love many of us have lost along the way. Thank you sir. Greetings from Holland.

  3. ramadan mobarak
    dr tariq,
    i want you to give me a text in the islam from the prophet or allah wich witnesses that : stonning ,cuting hands…
    and what we call it in islam alhodood must not be practiced.


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