Iqraa – Risalat al Islam : » Il ne vous interdit pas… » Episode 50


4 Commentaires

  1. Merci de nous rappeler cette belle lecon d’humilite et de respect qu’avait notre prophete sala allah alayhi oua salem envers toutes les communautes religieuses ou autre ainsi qu’un rappel de notre saint coran.DIeu fasse que tous les musulmans le comprenne . encore un grand merci.

  2. Dr. Ramadan : Risalatu Al Islam . I enjoyed listening to your message on the subject.
    Unfortunately, there are not many enlightened Moslems like you who present Islam to
    Moslems. Your message is really founded on the Divine message, as it was revealed to
    Moslems. And this is what the Moslem world needs today. We in the West, hear and read what
    the bearded ignorant and narrow minded,so called Imams preach ! They preach resentment and hate
    as if this is the core and real message of Islam to its followers. Who ordained these people to
    Speak of Islam in this way, as if we are still fighting the Meccan Idol worshippers ?
    I hope it is not too late to remedy the damage.
    God bless you and thank you.



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