Live Dialogue on Monday 27th February

Live dialogue regarding news and spirituality

A live dialogue with Tariq Ramadan regarding news and spirituality will take place on Monday, 27th  February 2005 from 9 pm to 10 pm  (London time)

To follow direct dialogue, updating this page regularly by pressing on the key F5 of your keyboard.

8 تعليقات

  1. Hi,

    I was wondering what the Prophet Mohammed (p.b.u.h)would have likely done or said if these cartoons were published during his life time?.


  2. What you think about the kind of protest that is going on in and around the world on prohhet’s cartoon issue?
    Do islam support these kind of things?
    Has Islam to suugest any other kind of alternative and creative protest to fight modernity and its underlying logic? or as muslim what should be my protest?

  3. hello,
    my name is Nour, i’m a canadian from jordanian background. Considering the fact that i dress « islamically », i get to deal with alot of questioning and debates about islam even if i do not even mention anything. If i’m somewhere people HAVE to mention religion…
    I have no problem with it, i LOVE talking about religion and correcting the people’s misundersntandings of this great religion.
    I have listened to your lectures and i was certainly facinated with your brilliant way of thinking. I was wondering if you can advise me as to how shoudl i deal in details with questions like, what is the point of hiding your body if everyone else has what you have? being different in such a society makes people look down upon you…do u think another muslim who does not wear the Hijab is going to hell just because she is confident about how she looks and does not need to hide it? how would you feel if your husband marries another women since it is a right for him in Islam? why is it a problem if two people decided to commit fornication or become homosexual if they are not harming anyone?
    and you know those kinds of questions that lead to endless debates…i hope you can provide me with tips of your experience and Jazak Allah Khyer…


  4. Assalamo Alaikom Dr. Ramadan:

    On spirituality in Islam, many new readers choose to research the field of Suffism.

    Are there any good titles in English you would recommend as « sound » readings from a Muslim perspective (i.e. don’t contradict with the basic teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah)?

    And is Suffism the only path to spirituality in Islam?

    Thanks, and we look forward to more articles on your site on spirituality and more frequent updates of the site In-Shaa-Allah.

    All the best – Tarek

  5. i have tried to find in vain a list of all of your professional articles which you have published. is there such a bibliography available somewhere in the public domain ?

  6. Dear Mr Ramadan
    My question is regarding some issues you have raised recently and which are points of discussion within the British media around the issue of how ‘British’ the ‘Muslim Community’ is and whether the notion of Britishness can be compatible with Islam. The main point I would like to raise is that i feel that this debate completely ignores the fact that it is very difficult to describe the so called ‘Muslim Community’ as a community in the sense that it is made up of many different ethnic groups which often have very little in common other than religion and practice Islam in different ways. I feel that the main problem is the fact that these communities are prevented by their own ethnic nationalisms in not feeling ‘British’ and this is common in most if not all diaspora communities and it should not be presented in the media as if it is something unique to Islam.

  7. Mr. Ramadan,

    Salafi muslims do not follow a school of fiqh. Do you think it is important to base one’s thinking on a school of fiqh, or do you agree with salafis that ijtihad is sufficient? Do salafis have enought knowledge and evidence to base their opinions on?


  8. Assalam-u-alaikum wrwb,

    Dear Brother Tariq,

    My question pertains to the recent cartoon
    controversy. There has been a lot of what we might call ‘reactions’ from all sides,
    and not really any wisdom. The media finds this a great opportunity to further radicalize the Islamic viewpoint by giving
    more coverage to extremist positions from
    both within and outside Islam. How can we,
    as muslims in the west, further the views
    of the moderate majority and tell the wolrd that this is the voice of the normative Islam. People like you and Sheikh Hamza Yusuf talk and people listen but to the everyday people in the street who do not know any better, what can be done as practical steps?


    Sohail Abbas

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