Voices for Palestine

We will not go down ( Song for GAZA ) by ( Michael Heart )

Remove the blockade

Greek songs for Gaza

Requiem for Palestine (from Hungary)

Sanarjiou Yawman (Fairuz )

Palestine (Medine)

Palestine libre (Sniper)

4 تعليقات

  1. End of zionism as it exist today will come to and end because the entire world is watching the hypocritical and racist nature of this state known as Israel. The truth is Israel is not a nation or a group of people in a small piece of land but an ideology. An ideology that belongs to all people at all times not just to a few who commit heinous crimes.

    • The author of the above message clearly doesn’t have the faintest idea of what he is talking about. Perhaps he should first read up a bit on history, before spitting out a lot of nonsense.
      The Jews did not ever live in the land of Palestine/Israel, from which they were kicked out? It was not the United Nations that recognized the State of Israel? The author thinks attacks on a civilian population by so-called suicide bombers and through the constant firing of rockets (Hamas) are not (heinous) crimes? Come on! Do a bit of effort to try and clear up your brain.

  2. La musique de Michael Heart est trop belle, je l’écoute en boucle et je n’arrête pas de pleurer. C’est un véritable massacre qui touche énormément d’enfants. Qu’Allah les aide à patienter jusqu’à ce qu’ils retrouvent la paix.

    Et qu’Allah vous récompense, Tariq Ramadan, pour le soutien que vous leur apporter et que vous n’hésitez pas à mettre en avant.

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