Eid Mubarak Happy Feast

The month of Ramadan is leaving… With this special atmosphere, time that passes so differently, this call from the heart, from brotherhood, from love, from forgiveness. We are coming back to our habits. Another year again. There will be the six days of Shawwâl to remind us the meaning and the density of fasting and nearness.

Nothing should be forgotten. With our families, our sisters, our brothers, our fellow citizens, the school of Ramadan is a school of humility, generosity, gift and service. Of which our time is in so dire need. This should not be forgotten, nothing should be forgotten.

I would like to express here my thanks to those, women and men, who showed their support during these difficult times. Your support, your sisterhood, your brotherhood and your love are my strength. Thank you. I forget nothing. Happy feast from the bottom of my heart.

And don’t forget…. To tell the people you love that you love them. Life is fragile and our time is difficult.

Brotherly, Affectionately

11 تعليقات

  1. As no one is responding in english let me just try to write something. In order to say thank you, thank you for all you’re giving to us each day, thank you for what you gave during this Ramadan via Chronicles and Islam & Life show. It’s a great honour to stand beside you and we’ll always try to be there and help you as we can. Best regards.

    A.M. 25 y.o, Paris.

  2. بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِِ

    Elf Mabrouk 3ala sawmou Ramadan al kareem wa 3ala nihayatih ya usted Ramadan. Atamana laka wa li al3aila min kouli qalbi Eidoun said, wa Eidoun said li kouli El Muslimin wa li atabi3in fi al3alamin.

    Antadirou bi kouli sourour li fath abwab Ramadan attali

    Ahabani Allah fa ahbabtouka fi Allah, attamana laka an youhiba Allah ba3da anas likay youhibouka kaman.

    Ja rabi, taqabal mini dou3a’i, Amien.

    Gefeliciteerd met het vasten van deze fantastisch en gezegende maand Ramadan en voor het beëindigen ervan meneer Ramadan. Ik wens u en uw familie vanuit het diepste van mijn hart een gelukkige Eid, en een gelukkig Eid voor alle Moslims and de wordenden in de werelden.

    Ik wacht met alle vreugde op de opening van de deuren van de volgende Ramadan.

    God hield van mij dus hield ik van jou, ik hoop dat god van sommige mensen zal houden zodat ze ook van jouw zullen houden.

    Oh Heer, aanvaard mijn gebed, Amen.

    Congratulation for fasting this beautiful month of ramadan and of its completion professor Ramadan. I wish you and your family from the bottom of my heart a happy Eid, and a happy Eid for all Muslims and for the followers of the worlds.

    I am waiting with all pleasure for the opening of the doors of the next ramadan.

    God loved me so I loved you in God, I wish God will love some people so that they will love you too.

    My Lord, except my prayer, Amen.

    Félicitation pour jeûner ce beau mois de Ramadan et de son accomplissement professor Ramadan. Je vous souhaite et votre famille du fond de mon coeur un bonne Eid, et un bonne Eid a tous les Musulmans et les suivants des mondes.

    J’attends avec tout le plaisir l’ouverture des portes du Ramadan prochain.

    Dieu m’aime, pour cette raison je vous aime en Dieu,
    j’espère que Dieu aimera certain des gens pour qu’ils vous aimeront.

    Mon Seigneur, excepte ma prière, Amen.

    الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

    Loves, Hakima

  3. This is beautiful as usual. « Life is fragile and our time is difficult. » Poetic, simple, and true. EID MUBARAK!! I love you Prof. Ramadan!

  4. Asalam Alaikoem dear mr. Ramadan. Thank you for this message. For me, it was a good ramadan: a month of reflection and action. I hope it was for you as well, despite the turbulence. Wish you the best eid in the world, to you, your family, and the ones you love!

  5. As salamu alaikum,

    Dear Mr.Ramadan, I wish you, your family and the ones you love a blessed Id ul Fitr!! May Allah (t) send you his blessings and the reward for what you do for us all, for Muslims and Non-Muslims. It was (is and will be) an enriching joy to listen to your chronicles. Thanks from Vienna
    Amina E.

  6. as Salam Alaykum Prof Ramadan.

    Eid Mobarak from South Africa.
    We stand with you during you times of difficulty as we stand with you during good times.
    Thank you for the Ramadan chronicles, which were a blessing from Allah through you.

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