Moussa, My Brother

You knew it was going to be a long road ahead, but you wanted to work in the light of justice and peace. For that, you gave it your all.

My brother Moussa,
Not long ago, I received news that you had left us, that God had called you back to Him.
The Messenger (PBUH) was so right: “Patience is experienced during the frst shock". My God…Moussa.  
We come from God and to him we shall return
You were a fellow traveler, a friend to the African experiment. Active, devoted, obliging, smiling, serious. And pleasant, so pleasant.
I saw you broken under the weight of organizing the seminars, the conferences and the meetings. But,  you were always present and jovial.
I saw you organizing the SIFRAM, with your Ivory Coast sisters and brothers. 
All that work eventually led to the creation of CIMEF. Together we just celebrated the tenth anniversary in Mali (A country exemplary in the manner the conference was organized this year from July 23-26). 
You were there, among us, ready to offer your committement in having the Ivory Coast as a future location for CIMEF. 
I witnessed your tears, sadness, and strength during the unfortunate events in the Ivory Coast, causing the death of so many brothers.  Eventually, this led to the exile of your mentor and friend, Shaykh Fofana.  You were one of his closest collaborators.
I saw you upright, open, firm but faithful, when so many others were afraid, distracted or betrayed their commitments.  You dealt with the blows, accepted criticism and patiently awaited the possiblity of reconciliation in the Ivory Coast.
You knew it was going to be a long road ahead, but you wanted to work in the light of justice and peace. For that, you gave it your all.  
Moussa, my brother.  Just a few days ago, we spoke to organize our next visit and to celebrate together the Night of the Destiny and Reward. 
And now you have left us. The One brought you back to him.  What a life, this life… 
And your presence…so many memories among family.  Moments of complicity and brotherhood with the “little” Moussa, that you carried in your arms, and Maryam to whom you were “The Ivory uncle” 
That family trip to Yamassoukro with the brother, friend and companion of Mokoudou Thiam (peace be upon the soul of his son that departed so soon). We will never forget, Moussa, my brother. 
Our profound thoughts, sympathy and condolences go to your family, your close relations and your friends.
For all those who knew Moussa, who took part in SIFRAM or CIMEF, or who read these lines, pray for him…  a prayer of love, a prayer of peace.
May God welcome you in his love and mercy. 
We loved you, we will always  love you, and we will never forget you, Moussa. 
Our prayers will accompany you as a memory of your presence, your genorosity and your smile. What a smile it was.
My tears, Moussa, because I love you; my prayers, Moussa, because He loves you.
Peace be upon your soul.  Salâm-uLLahi ’alayk
For more information on CIMEF, go to

5 تعليقات

  1. Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raajiun. I know nothing of this Brother or his works, but you made me cry Mr. Ramadan. May Allah grant him Jannah, Ameen!

  2. ina lilahe wa ina ilayhe rajahoon…may Allah(swt) open the doors of jannah to him.

    men/women who make difference in the world and live a selfless life forever remain in the minds and souls of the masses. thank you Prof. Ramadan for such a profound reflection. you brought tears to my eyes…..

Répondre à Shakkira xx إلغاء الرد

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