Tariq Ramadan guest of Charlie Rose

7 تعليقات

    • assalamu alykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

      Macha Allah, comme j’aimerais avoir ce niveau d’éducation et de communication. Qu’ALLAH SWT agrée tes oeuvres et te préserve de tout mal, et te bénisse pour toujours, cher frère Tariq, ameen.
      wa salaam

  1. Assalam alikum. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Tariq
    Ramadan in Toronto 26/12/2010.
    He is a ray of light to the people in Toronto not just for the muslims but I would say he simplifies and puts forward a
    clear and concessive attitute that the muslims of Canada should adopt.
    Myself I know Palestinians. I have been there in the West Bank where the ordinary person is struggling with the
    which is worldwide but I would like to say they are oppressed in their own land.
    Oppression is worst than death. I believe suicide bombers
    are a product of oppression. Yasser Arafat was and became
    a prisoner of his position in Palestine, his wife and children
    were not even in Palestine [ to my knowledge ] I write about
    the artrocities of man against man, everywhere on this planet
    even in Canada, the drugs, the violence, the backwardness
    of other people coercing the immature students into very
    vulerable situation. We need a leader who will stand up to
    corruption. To work for the well being of all the human race because we are all sensitive to our surroundings.
    We need to be united not divided. Jazak allah [ Thank you ]
    for you time. I will read Tariq’s book’s PEACE to everyone
    We as people have lots of work to do to protect the people.

  2. essalam alikoum

    may allah reward and protect u for what you have done , keep up the good works , never tired

    each time i m listening to you is like have glimpse of my inner soul;

    baraka ellah fik ya akhi

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