You shall not kill

Lecture given at Reviving the Islamic Spirit (RIS) –
Toronto (26th December 2010)

6 تعليقات

  1. Wonderful speech Brother Tariq. May Allah reward you and may Allah bless you for all the work you doing for Islam. May Allah gives us the understanding, the strength and may He unites us and helps us grow stronger.

  2. Dear brother Tariq,

    Thank you for publishing this lecture. There are many signs and meanings that we need to see and understand. We ask Allah SWT to help us and give us Albasseera and Assabr.

  3. Salam Alaykoum,

    I really appreciated the explanation that muslims and believers are here to reform the society in a universal way.

    May Allah bless you! and keep doing! (sobrr)

    Baraka Allah beka!

    • Yes inspiring talk, but sometimes the saying “Mind the gap” comes into mind. Listening to these weighty words from succh a personality could make one less gifted (like myself) give up before starting.

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