The Arab Awakening: Islam and the new Middle East

Across the Arab world millions of women and men have taken to the streets, showing that dictators can be overthrown without weapons. But what happens now?

Tariq Ramadan is one of the most acclaimed figures in the analysis of Islam and its political dimensions today. In The Arab Awakening he explores the opportunities and challenges across North Africa and the Middle East, as they look to create new, more open societies. He asks: can Muslim countries bring together Islam, pluralism and democracy without betraying their identity? Will the Arab world be able to reclaim its memory to reinvent education, women’s rights, social justice, economic growth and the fight against corruption? Can this emancipation be envisioned with Islam, experienced not as a straitjacket, but as an ethical and cultural wealth?

Arguing that the debate cannot be reduced to a confrontation between two approaches – the modern and secular versus the traditional and Islamic – Ramadan demonstrates that not only are both of these routes in crisis, but that the Arab world has an historic opportunity: to stop blaming the West, to jettison its victim status and to create a truly new dynamic.

Tariq Ramadan offers up a challenge to the Middle East: what enduring legacy will you produce, from the historic moment of the Arab Spring?

5 تعليقات

  1. Thanks to God that there is someone who can see beyond the lines and is shifting the paradigm.
    It is about time that we see beyond the all-too contraining polarities of secular vs religious etc.
    No doubt though, people need to create a new model and be extremely aware of falling back into unproductive historical/cultural even (misunderstood) religious patterns. It is time for a new consciousness to arise for those ready for it; there are so many pitfalls and points– one can be deceived by self, others, and by whole systems along the way. I wonder if it is really feasible—except through total personal commitment and tremendous patience and awareness.

    • As Valerie has said the people need to create a new model and be extremely aware of falling back into unproductive historical/cultural and religious patterns.
      My concern is that the islamists will take over their respective countries revolution against their previous dictators and create a worst situation. Already ones hears of how minority groups are being beated ,homes destroyed and even killed by these ethno-religious cleansers.
      There is only one form of government in this world that protects minority groups and that is democracy. Dictators, Communism,and even dar al-islam all eliminate any groups that are not willing to comply with their respective orthopraxis.

  2. As Valerie has said the people need to create a new model and be extremely aware of falling back into unproductive historical/cultural and religious patterns.
    My concern is that the islamists will take over their respective countries revolution against their previous dictators and create a worst situation. Already ones hears of how minority groups are being beated ,homes destroyed and even killed by these ethno-religious cleansers.
    There is only one form of government in this world that protects minority groups and that is democracy. Dictators, Communism,and even dar al-islam all eliminate any groups that are not willing to comply with their respective orthopraxis.

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