Lecture in Rotterdam on 4th September 2009


Here you will find the lecture of Tariq Ramadan that took place on 4th September 2009 in Rotterdam PART 1


Debate Ramadan versus Marco Pastors

8 Commentaires

  1. Dr. Ramadan,
    Thank you very much for putting the new vision about the Muslims in Europe . The vision : not to behave like victim, but at least to be a good citizen and other visions . Rotterdam town council don’t want to debate with a Muslims intellectual. They want to debate about Muslims, not with Muslims.This is the probleem.


    • You wrote in one of your books (don’t know which one any,ore) that the future for muslims would get even harder and that they would face discrimination and attempts to marginalize them. Do you think what happened to you is a sign of that? How should normal muslims react? I really would like to exchange views whith you about these questions and the future of islam in general. I think you are a man with vision and a plan.

  2. It’s good that you finally spoke yourself. But it pains me to hear you say you are saying goodbye to the Netherlands. I hope your commitment to Nethelands and the Dutch muslims is beyond the job you had here. I really think we need your voice here. You know, Ahmed Marcouch once said we need a dozen Tariq Ramadans in the Netherlands and I think he is right. Until the moment we do we need the original:-) So please stay connected.

  3. Hi Sir Ramdan,
    They might cut all the flowers on earth, but they will never be able to stop the came of Spring.
    Ramdan Our Support from Spanich UCM University.

  4. Thank you brother ,it always a plesure te hear you talking .you put the populist pastors on his place .May Allah bless you.Mustapha

  5. Geeft men een diamant zomaar weg??(NL)

    Je plotselinge vertrek meneer Ramadan is echt pijnlijk, te pijnlijk eigenlijk om te moeten verdragen want waarom?

    Broer in menselijkheid, waarlijk de gegeven reden wat eigenlijk totaal geen reden is voor je nodige vertrek is velen malen pijnlijker, te triest om aan te moeten horen want het blijft waarom?

    Uw waarde volle tijd weer te moeten zien verspillen in een duidelijk overwinnende verdediging en discussie wegens weer de opnieuw overbodig gecreëerde onzinpraatjes, onnodige kritiek en controversie is enorm hartscheurend en vooral tijdens deze heilige maand. Een diamant als jij verdient dit toch allemaal niet?

    Het is jammer, vreselijk jammer om het als een feit te moeten inzien dat jouw maar vooral ook de omgeving jouw enorm belangrijke functie is ontnomen. Pijnlijker is te moeten aanzien dat er op zulk onmenselijke manier met je is omgegaan. God zal je zeker met iets veel beters gaan verrijken. Vreselijk jammer is vooral dat je enorme maar ook vooral inspirerende gedachtegoed en competenties velen zal worden ontnomen. Het is jammer, en niet zozeer eigenlijk omdat er geen vervanger zal zijn maar vooral om het feit dat dit onrechtvaardig is en om het feit dat een waardevolle diamant als jouw meneer Tariq Ramadan echt niet zo gemakkelijk te vinden zal zijn.

    Moge God ons altijd blijven verrijken met uw aanwezigheid broeder Tariq Ramadan want vele zielen verwelkomen altijd je aanwezigheid en je gedachtegoed in Nederland, sterker nog ze zullen ze nodig hebben.

    Alleen degene die een diamant niet meteen herkennen, laten het liggen.

    Moge god je steunen, helpen, richten, versterken en altijd van je houden

    Veels liefs, Hakima

    Does one give a diamante just away??(ENG)

    Your suddenly departure professor Ramadan is really painfully, too painfully to endure because why?

    Brother in humanity, truly the given reason which isn’t actually the reason for your necessary departure is much more painfully, too sad to hear it because it remains still why?

    To see you wasting your valuable time in a clearly over winning defense and discussion because of the again superfluous created nonsense talks, unnecessary criticism and controversial is enormously heart tearing and especially in this holy month. Is a diamante as you deserving all this?

    It is a pity, it is really a pity to realize it as a fact that your function is has been taken away from actually both you as from the community. More painfully is to realize that you have been treated in such an inhuman way. God will for sure enrich you with something better. It is especially a pity to realize that your enormous but also inspiring thoughts and competentions will be prevented from many. It is a pity, and not particularly because there won’t be any substitute but especially because of the fact that this is not at all equitable and because of the fact that one really can not find so easy such a valuable diamante as you professor Tariq Ramadan.

    May god always enrich us with your continue presence brother Tariq Ramadan because many souls will always keep welcoming your presence and thoughts in the Netherlands, moreover they will need them.

    Only the one which does not recognize a diamond immediately, leaves it lying

    May god support you, help you, guide you and always love you

    Loves, Hakima

  6. Look at it this way: now there really isn’t a single soul in the Netherlands who doesn’t know of Tariq Ramadan. This could be a blessing in disguise…


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