The Progressive London conference


Cabinet big-hitters confirmed for Progressive London conference

The Progressive London conference on 30 January is shaping up to be a key event in what is a crunch year in politics, with two leading members of the Cabinet now confirmed as speakers at the event. Leader of the House of Commons – and Labour Party deputy leader – Harriet Harman MP will be speaking, as will the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Ed Miliband MP.
Ed Miliband’s contribution means a top level discussion on climate change and environmental policy post-Copenhagen will be a key part of the conference. Eugenie Harvey, the Director of the 10:10 campaign, will also be speaking, as will Serge Lourie the LibDem leader of Richmond Upon Thames council, Joss Garman of Greenpeace, and Green member of the London Assembly Darren Johnson.
Progressive London was in the news yesterday with the Evening Standard reporting that Mercury prize winner
Speech Debelle will be appearing at the event.  

The conference is shaping up to be one of the most important political gatherings in the run-up to the general and local elections. To be sure of your ticket book in advance here.


The conference aims build a progressive alliance to stop the advance of right-wing ideas and parties and looks at ways we can work across communities, parties, and campaigns to promote social progress for the capital in 2010.

Speakers include:
Ken Livingstone • Sadiq Khan MP • Speech Debelle • Johann Hari — writer • Jean Lambert MEP — Green Party • Frances O’Grady — Deputy General Secretary, TUC • Jon Cruddas MP • Lembit Opik MP •  Eugenie Harvey — Director of 10:10 • George Galloway MP • Mehdi Hasan — Senior Editor (Politics), New Statesman • Bairbre de Brún MEP – Sinn Féin • Richard Gott — writer • Bonnie Greer  • Darren Johnson AM — Green Party • Serge Lourie — Leader LB Richmond Upon Thames, Lib Dem • Kate Hudson — Chair, CND • Mike Tuffrey — Leader, London Assembly Liberal Democrats • Professor Tariq Ramadan • Edie Friedman — JCORE • Hugh Lanning — Palestine Solidarity Campaign • Linda Perks — Regional Secretary, Unison • Tessa Jowell MP  • Nizam Uddin — President of ULU • Jenny Jones AM — Green Party • Chris McLaughlin — Editor, Tribune • Andrew Murray — Stop the War Coalition • Lutfur Rahman — Leader LB Tower Hamlets • Adam Bienkov — London political blogger • Jon Trickett MP • Noel Hatch — Chair, Compass Youth • Megan Dobney — Regional Secretary, SERTUC • Martin Smith — Love Music, Hate Racism • Samuel Moncada — Venezuelan Ambassador • Sunny Hundal — Liberal Conspiracy • Bell Ribeiro-Addy — NUS Black Students’ Officer • Len Duvall AM • Dr. Karma Nabulsi • Mick Shaw — President FBU • Helen Gardner — • Steve Hart — Unite regional secretary • Matty Mitford — Director, Boris Keep Your Promise • Wilf Sullivan — TUC Race Equality Officer • Val Shawcross AM • Andy Newman — Socialist Unity • Ann Pettifor • Professor Avi Shlaim — International Relations, Oxford University • Karen Stalbow —Shelter • Michael Calderbank — Electoral Reform Society • Bruce Kent — Vice President CND • Lorna Campbell PCS • Neal Lawson — Compass • Kevin Maguire — The Mirror • James Macintyre — Political Correspondent, New Statesman •  Daf Adley — NUS LGBT Officer • John Haylett — Political Editor, Morning Star • Simon Birkett — Clean Air Campaign • Karen Buck MP •  Martin Hoscik — editor MayorWatch • Uprise speaker • Alex Smith — Labourlist • Cllr Stephen Cowan — Labour group leader, Hammersmith and Fulham • Anni Marjoram • Anas Altikriti — British Muslim Initiative • Claude Moraes MEP • Sam Tarry — Chair Young Labour • Tom Barry — • Richard Ascough — GMB • Simon Weller — ASLEF • Professor  Danny Dorling • Joss Garman — Greenpeace • Rowenna Davis  — writer • Jon McClure — Reverend and the Makers • Diane Abbott MP 

Discussions include:
• Investment not cuts
• Why the Tories are not progressive
• Stopping the BNP — no concessions to the far right
• After Copenhagen — turning the tide on climate change
• No to Boris Johnson’s fare increases
• Lessons from Latin America
• Young people and the economic crisis
• Gaza one year on
• PR — progress through electoral reform?
• Trident, Afghanistan, Iraq — the cost of war
• One society, many cultures
• Capitalwoman
• Sessions on a progressive agenda for London — affordable housing, transport, culture and many more



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