Tariq Ramadan has been invited by UC Berkeley Boalt Law School, San FranciscoFriday, 20th : 09:30am – 11:00am: San Francisco, UC Berkeley Boalt Law School
Fourth annual international Islamophobia conference : keynote speech
This conference will be broadcasted live by streaming here: http://crg.berkeley.edu/content/2012-islamophobia-conference
votre programme aux usa est assez dense, que dieu vous donne force et énergie pour poursuivre l’excellent travail que vous faites…
Si je peux me permettre une remarque la photo de l’affiche ne vous mets pas du tout un valeur…
wa salam wra
What about New York,NY?
Salam alaykoumou
Juste une precision mes freres, l’adresse exacte est 322 Wheeler hall, Berkeley, CA 94720, et non pas San Francisco comme indiquee. La raison est que 322 Weeler ave existe a San Francisco.
Oua Allah Aalam.
Actually UC Berkeley is in the San Francisco Bay Area, within the city of Berkeley. The Wheeler Hall address that is listed was an earlier day, time, location and content that the live stream at Boalt Hall which is the Islamophobia Conference lead by Dr.Hatem Bazian and since the stream does not appear on this page, one can access it live through Saturday 5:30 pm PST via UC Berkeley’s Center for Race and Gender crg.berkeley,edu