Guggenhime Speaker Series: Tariq Ramadan (San Francisco)


Richard & Judith Guggenhime Speaker



Tariq Ramadan, Professor of Islamic Studies, Oxford University; President, European Muslim Network

Tariq Ramadan is very much a public figure, named one of Time magazine’s most important innovators of the twenty-first century. He is among the leading Islamic thinkers in the West, with a large following around the world. But he has also been a lightning rod for controversy. Indeed, in 2004, Ramadan was prevented from entering the U.S. by the Bush administration and despite two appeals, supported by organizations like the American Academy of Religion and the ACLU, he was barred from the country until spring of 2010, when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton finally lifted the ban.

Tariq Ramadan is Professor of Islamic Studies on the Faculty of Theology at Oxford University, Senior Research Fellow at St. Antony’s College (Oxford), Doshisha University (Kyoto, Japan) and the President of the European Muslim Network (EMN) think tank in Brussels. He is the author of Radical Reform: Islamic Ethics and Liberation, In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons From the Life of Muhammad, Western Muslims and the Future of Islam, and Islam, the West, and Challenges of Modernity


Richard & Judith Guggenhime Speakers

As part of an ongoing effort to provide the Bay Area with more access to information on global issues, the World Affairs Council of Northern California launched the Richard and Judith Guggenhime Speaker Programs in 2006. This is made possible through a generous grant from the Stanley S. Langendorf Foundation in the name of Richard and Judith Guggenhime, and brings world-renowned experts to the Bay Area. Interviews take place in a relaxed, conversation-style setting for unusual, unscripted remarks and integrate questions from the live audience during the evening.

Check-in: 11:15 AM, Program: 12:00 PM


Advance prepaid registration required.


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