Global Movement of Non-Violent Resistance

Official Website Launch

Palestine Global Resistance



School of Oriental and African Studies

Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre

28th January 2009


5:30PM (GMT)




Please click here for live streaming of the event:

11:30AM (CST- Central Standard Time)

6:30PM (CET- Central European Time)



Karen Armstrong

 Bestselling British Author of works in comparative religions, awarded TED Prize, Freedom of Worship award by the Roosevelt Institute. She has recently launched the ‘Charter for Compassion’

Salma Yacoub

 Leader, and former vice-chair, of Respect – the Unity Coalition. Birmingham City Councillor. She is also the head of the Birmingham Stop the War Coalition and a spokesperson for Birmingham Central Mosque.

Professor Tariq Ramadan

Professor of Islamic Studies (Oxford/ Erasmus), and President of the European think tank: European Muslim Network in Brussels.

– School of Oriental and African Studies, Thornaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC 1H 0XG –




  1. I’m glad the website is back in the air. I wish you all the best and salaam, mr. Ramadan. Thanks for being a voice of decency in the world.

  2. Assalam Aleikum

    Congratulations, Dr. Tariq Ramadan! I’ m a Brazilian Muslim and I always talk about your essays, articles and videos.

    You are the ‘real’ Moslim.Like in the old times! I see a great Joy and Pleasure when you speak about the Q’unram, the Sunnah and Islam in general!

    Sorry for the ‘excessive’ demonstration of respect!!!


    • Assalamu allaikum to all,
      I am a Canadian Muslim and I agree with my Brother in Brazil.

      I also wanted to add that we are all true and beautiful muslims. Today I was at a General Assembly at McGill (one main point of discussion: the bombing of schools in Gaza, which, as the other side kept pushing against the discussion, never happened… I think if we were organized we could have easily passed it–maybe it would have been a historic move at McGill) and I was so proud of our community and all people who stand up for justice!! We all played a role and we were all there in support of justice. I think we are all unique and special, and if one of us is missing then we’re missing a lot. So I would like to call out to all muslims to stand out and to make a difference in their societies and at the international level… inshaAllah we can do this!

      I love you all in Allah (Allah knows),


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